Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Monday Excitement

Not much, really. But the weekend was filled with Christmas cheer. Two parties on Saturday night - a soup party at Dennis' and a house warming at Frendon and Bran's. Both were quite excellent, and I was full mit beer und vino und fud by evening's end. And a beautiful night for a winter walk as well between parties for the wife and myself.

I haven't had a chance to come back to the blog for a bit, although major plans are in the work for myself and this site. I am going to take a major Flash drawing course through the interweb - through The Mows site (the cartoonist there is a major computer Jedi and teaches courses online, for not bad pricing). Now, with my super uber computer of dooom, I can actually use these programs!

With Christmas fast approaching, I may have to wait until 2006 (a whole year away! heh!), but that's okay. Also, I've got another grant application for WAC to fill out (although I still have to give them final confirmation of my last one...mental noted). And with all the online and offline spending I've been doing for my comics and hobbies (Heroclix, Marvel Vs cardgame (the new crackcocaine of Gamers), and more Spider-Man figs to clutter the already cluttered office space), I may have to take a part-time job at a pizza joint!

Actually, I'm going to be doing book reviews for both Prairie Books NOW! and the Free Press! I've done a crapload of free ones for Dave at the Logberg, and now it's time to get paid! With cold hard cash! Yeah!

Alright, I've got to get back to some writing...although this writing tonight is more the Dungeons and Dragons kind (I'm preparing a game for Friday night). The poor Pirate slobs won't know what hit them (I'll devote a separate Blog entry to what my D&D game is about).

-Bionic Perry Transmission...END-


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Polly said...

Hi Perry -

Glad to see you live in the Blogosphere!

Blog tip: if you mention something like Mows, make it a link so we can find out more info.

And congrats on the writing gigs - are those official?

At 9:59 PM, Blogger BionicPerry said...

Well, as you know, I talked to Marj (the new editor at PBN!) and I'll most definitely be doing some book reviews in the new year. I'll be approaching the FreeP in the new year! Whee!!

BionicPerry "8)


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