Another week flown, wiser and happier
Wow. Time is just FLYing by!
At least this time, it was a good week. Got the raffle stuff for WIWF up and going, and it looks like that's going to work out okay (launching the sale of tickets at the Ondaatje event), got the final advertising finalized for the Ondaatje event, so that will be plastered all over Winnipeg next week, and then I'm sure the ticket sales will spike!
And, of course, I did my favourite thing on Friday night: GAME!
I'm such a geek. Love games. Boardgames, cardgames, rpgs, miniature games, games, games GAMES!
So, Frank ran a small Marvel Superheroes game on Friday here at my abode. An old game. Developed back in 1985. I prefer to talk in dates and not years. To say "Hey, we played this game 22 years ago!" makes my stomach turn. Scary. Heh-heh. But it's still loads of fun as a "beer&pretzel" game! Make a superhero and beat up some supervillains! Fun!
Oh, and then Saturday, I went down to Imagine Games (in the Exchange) and picked up a new game: Munchkin Cthulhu!
It's so goofy! Can't wait to play it.
Today is my Dad's second birthday. Yup. He was actually born on April 4 but someone at the hospital mixed up his birth certificate date with another kid's and so his certificate says April 16. Lucky guy! Two birthdays! Not that he gets double presents. Heh.
Love this weather. Wakes up the brain. Also, I've been walking to work all week. Blood has really been pumping better, although the hip joints are feeling it. I think I'll walk another week or two to build up the leg muscles before switching to bike (my prefered summer transport). I've got to get my legs in better shape before softball season starts in May! Ugh. I'm a lump. I think the first two weeks of practice are gonna hurt. Heh.
Okay, back to the computer. FULL BURN has not completely fallen off my radar, I promise! I've just been sideshowed by other obligations (there's that "writers block" again...), but everything is starting to really come together and smoooooth out. Without so much stress, it's easier to concentrate on other things.
Like words in my brain that that reach my fingers.
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