Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting out to meet the Writers

Carol Matas and Perry Nodelman (what a swell name) launched their new collaborative book today: Ghosthunters 1: The Proof that Ghosts Exist.

Very nice launch with lots of people (young and old). It was a virtual who's who of YA writers! Anita Daher! Rae Bridgeman! Margaret Buffie! ME! (well, not quite yet - heh!)

The launch was at the new McNally Robinson Booksellers at Polo Park (nice and close to me wittle house now!). A beautiful store. I had the privilege of getting an invitation to the gala opening night (la-dee-da!) two weeks ago. Very cool.
Tanya and I had dinner in the new Prairie Ink restaurant tonight, and the food as usual (for MRB standards) was very delicious. Tanya was drooling all over her cherry pie - quite disgusting, really ;-)

All in all, a nice night.


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree--Nodelman is a swell name. As for Perry, on the other hand . . .

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:40 PM, Blogger BionicPerry said...

Hey thanks Perry! It really was a great launch. I'm glad I went, and I can't wait to read the book(the ghost on the cover is staring at me right now...those freaky 70's shades man!)


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